Andy Wiggins
Andy Wiggins
Deputy Head (Academic), Bedales Prep

BA (Hons) English and American Literature and Creative Writing, University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC)

What makes a good teacher at Dunhurst?

Creativity and the freedom to apply to any aspect of school life.

What are you trying to encourage and instil in your pupils?

To bring enthusiasm and energy to whatever they do, even if at first they can’t do it well.

Apart from your teaching role, what else do you get involved with at the school?

I run a philosophy club, and occasionally badminton, writing for the Groups' plays.

In your opinion, what makes Dunhurst special?

There is a sincere atmosphere of trust, respect, and cooperation between colleagues, adults and children, and the leadership team. We are encouraged to explore and share our passions with the understanding that as we develop our skills they will benefit the school and inspire the pupils.

What is your best memory of Dunhurst?

Some of the more amusing notices or moments in the well for assembly. Most recently Jane’s demonstration of the perfect fly fishing cast.

Who or what inspires you?

I am always inspired by people in any occupation who strive to do their job to the very best of their ability and with a smile on their face. Anyone who is passionate about something and broadcast that through their actions.

Tell us something not a lot of people know about you.

I used to work in a chocolate factory. After a few weeks producing chocolate Christmas trees I was moved to packaging (apparently my chocolaty forest was half the size it should have been). I have a well informed respect for people who put the foil wrappers on Easter Eggs.