Jonathan Peers
Jonathan Peers
Head of Groups' Humanities, Bedales Prep

BA Portsmouth
PGCE Roehampton

What makes a good teacher at Dunhurst?

Someone who is passionate, open-minded, kind, positive and inspiring. They must have a great sense of humour and not just love teaching children, but also love learning from them too - we are all teachers and learners!

What are you trying to encourage and instil in your pupils?

Firstly, to be kind, respectful, empathetic and caring human beings. Secondly, to be critical thinkers, be open-minded, strive for excellence, always try their best and be confident to follow their own path.

Apart from your teaching role, what else do you get involved with at the school?

I love being involved in the school productions and watching the ‘journey’ from early rehearsals to the incredibly professional final product. The children are so talented! I also enjoy being part of the teacher ‘band’ performing at the rock show when I get a chance to show off on stage.

In your opinion, what makes Dunhurst special?

The depth and breadth of the curriculum gives the diverse interests and abilities of all the pupils a chance to thrive. Children are naturally creative and the Dunhurst ‘way’ is to give that creativity a chance to shine – too often education constricts and conforms, Dunhurst does the opposite.

What is your best memory of Dunhurst?

There are truly too many to mention. It might sound clichéd but every single day is a unique and enjoyable experience. If pushed I would have to say the day, four years ago, that I was offered the job – I had found the perfect place to teach. ‘If you do a job you love you’ll never work a day in your life.’

Who or what inspires you?

Anyone who has the courage, vision and wisdom to peacefully challenge injustice in this world, often putting themselves at considerable personal risk for the greater good – people like Martin Luther King. I am also inspired by the innate goodness in the vast majority of people in this world.

Tell us something that nobody knows about you?

My record for keepy-ups is 715 (when I was 15 years old!)