Ryan Walsh
Ryan Walsh
Head of Outdoor Work, Bedales Prep

BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS

What makes a good teacher at Dunhurst?

Patience, teamwork and a good sense of humour.

What are you trying to encourage and instil in the children?

I try to encourage an understanding that the outdoors is a fantastic place to be in, and that all of the hard work we put in during our lessons is worth it! That we are extremely lucky to have such diverse outdoor spaces available to us, and that we have a responsibility to care for them.

Apart from your teaching role, what else do you get involved with at the school?

I spend most of my time in ODW. The area is available to the children during break times; they may wish to build a den, tend the garden,  feed the chickens and ducks - or just relax! I am also a Block 1 tutor.

In your opinion, what makes Dunhurst special?

I was not very good at music or drama at school, so it is always amazing to see the children perform so brilliantly in concerts and productions. The Dunnie Awards is my favourite event of the school year.

Who or what inspires you?

My family.

Tell us something not a lot of people know about you.

It has been my New Year’s Resolution to stop biting my nails every year for the past 25 years.