On 20 June, 42 Old Bedalians who had left school in either 2013 or 2014 came to the Bedales Library to share their experiences with us. They had chosen to pursue university degree courses, foundation diplomas in art and design, apprenticeships, and some had also taken gap years. As apprehensive but curious sixth formers, we were delighted to see old friends, but also were inspired by their stories of success and the paths they had chosen. We had the opportunity to discuss individually with each OB the range of choices within specific subjects areas that are available, and further education options; we were surprised to hear what was on offer. Students reported how useful and reassuring they found this event. We now feel we have a more realistic view of what’s on offer, having spoken to peers who are of a similar age and who have shared the same experiences and opportunities as we have at Bedales.
By Chloe Polkinghorne and Lydia Hallam, 6.1