Boarders' activities programme

There are a wide range of activities organised for boarders each evening – from treat nights on Tuesdays, when students enjoy toasties or waffles for snack, to special Friday nights with events such as dance-offs, dress-up themed evenings and quiz nights.

At the weekend, trips and experiences are organised, enabling our boarders to have fun. We create a varied programme throughout the year, from cultural visits and trips to London or the beach, to picnics, BBQs and adventurous activities such as sailing, kayaking and paintball.

With a strong emphasis on the family feel to boarding at Bedales Prep, our boarders are encouraged to do the things they might otherwise do with their family, like cooking and eating, socialising and relaxing together. Every evening, 'Homely Time' gives students the opportunity to spend an hour doing something they might do in their spare time at home – whether that’s baking, playing with Lego or going for a walk.


Going home for the weekend

Boarders are welcome to stay at school at the weekends (with the exception of long leave/exeat weekends) but they are also welcome to go home, even if they are a full boarder.

For those who choose to go home for the weekend, boarders in the Groups (Years 4-6) are able to leave from 4.30pm on Friday afternoon. Boarders in the Blocks (Years 7-8) can leave after morning lessons at 12.50pm on Saturday.

For boarders going home on a Saturday, we offer an accompanied train option to and from London Waterloo at the weekends. A member of staff accompanies boarders on trains departing Petersfield on Saturday lunchtime, meeting parents at an agreed meeting point, and accompanies them on a return journey from London Waterloo on Sunday evening. 

Our Boarding team

Our dedicated and passionate Boarding team create a caring, homely environment for boarders to flourish.

The team comprises Houseparents Simon Kingsley-Pallant and Alice Tang-Pullen, who are supported by Deputy Houseparents David Ellis and Mea Wade. All Houseparents and Deputy Houseparents are members of the Bedales Prep teaching team, which ensures that our boarders have continuity in care and know the boarding team well.

There are also two resident matrons and one non-resident matron who have overall responsibility for the physical wellbeing of the boarders.