Support at school

The network of pastoral care at Bedales ensures there are plenty of opportunities for you to access support if you need it.


The best person for pupils to talk to at school is normally your houseparent. They can usually speak with you in confidence and will always tell you if they need to speak to someone else and ask you how you think this should be done.

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Safeguarding Team

You can also talk to anyone within the Safeguarding Team and they can provide you with guidance and support. You can also email

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School Counsellors

If you think it would be helpful to speak with a trained expert in counselling, you can email the school counsellors, Rachael Emsley or Susannah Monk. The counsellors offer a confidential service. The only time the confidentiality may not be sustained is when there is a perceived risk or danger to self or others (these times are made clear at the time to the client). To make an appointment, email Rachael or Susannah at or if needing to contact the counsellors urgently, call Rachael on 07810 063141.

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Independent Listener

If you are a boarder, you can call or email the school's Independent Listener, Joanna Farrell. She is not employed by the school but lives locally and knows Bedales well. You can speak with her in confidence about anything that is bothering you about school life that you would prefer not to speak with a member of the school or your parents about. Joanna can be contacted by phone on 01730 828450 (home) or 07776 235530 (mobile) and by email (

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Health Centre

The nurses and doctors at the Health Centre are bound by confidentiality; they won't share anything you tell them, unless they are concerned for your safety. The doctors can refer you confidentially to specialists if necessary.

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Any member of staff

If you would prefer to speak to another member of staff, please approach them. Everyone working at Bedales has the interests of the students as their primary concern.

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Self-help resources

There are a number of external resources you may also find useful.

  • Young Minds is a mental health charity that provides information and advice to young people and their parents/carers, giving you the tools to look after your mental health.
  • The Mix is the UK's leading support service for young people under 25, helping you with any challenges you're facing.
  • Frank provides facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
  • Headspace helps you create life-changing habits to support your mental health through science-backed meditation and mindfulness tools.
  • Kooth is a safe and confidential space to share experiences and gain support from the Kooth community and qualified professionals.
  • Report Remove is a tool provided by Childline and IWF that allows young people to report an image or video shared online, to see if it's possible to get it taken down.
  • Calm Harm is an award-winning app helping young people resist or manage the urge to self-harm.
  • Mind is a mental health charity that provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
  • Think U Know helps protect children and young people from the threat of online child sexual abuse and exploitation.