The following resources provide advice and guidance to parents and carers supporting a child or young person:

Think U Know

Think U Know is an education programme from the National Crime Agency's CEOP Command, which keeps children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.

The Think U Know website includes practical information, underpinned by the latest intelligence about child sex offending from CEOP Command, for parents and carers, as well as young people and professionals.

Think U Know

Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

CAMHS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. CAMHS offers support for a wide range of emotional and behavioural difficulties, neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, self-harm, violent or angry behaviour, eating disorders, the effects of abuse or trauma, obsessions and compulsions, psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

There are local NHS CAMHS services around the UK, with teams made up of nurses, therapists, psychologists, child and adolescent psychiatrists, support workers and social workers, as well as other professionals.

Parents' Guide to CAMHS

Family Lives

Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families who are struggling. The issues they help families with include family breakdown, challenging relationships and behaviour, debt and emotional and mental wellbeing.

Family Lives


NSPCC Learning provides training and resources to help you protect children from abuse and neglect.

NSPCC Learning

Early Help for Families

Hampshire County Council's Early Help for Families leaflet shares information about help available for families which brings together professionals who will work with the whole family on a range of issues including family relationships, behaviours that are challenging, housing issues, emotional and mental health, healthy relationships and alcohol and drug issues.

Early Help for Families leaflet