Stimulating interest and a sense of wonder

The founding principles of a Bedales education were the ideals of “Head, Hand and Heart” – this would cultivate and nurture students. In a global society this is more important than ever and is done through the development and encouragement of inquisitive thinkers and individuals with a sense of community both in school and globally. 

Through our topic choices we foster and encourage a sense of wonder and exploration of the world around us. As budding Global Citizens students are encouraged to explore and understand their place within it, fulfilling the Whole School's aims of developing inquisitive thinkers and creating individuals with a sense of community who appreciate the beautiful.

The environment, people, communication, human rights

  • Analysing and evaluation through evidence from multiple resources.
  • Critical thinking through enquiry.
  • Understanding and questioning the links between people, their environments, beliefs and rights.
  • Communicating knowledge and understanding through writing, speaking, listening, doing and questioning each other.

Head of Department

Danielle Dale, Head of Geography and Global Perspectives